娱乐用英语单词怎么说 (娱乐用英语单词造句)

合肥休闲 06-02 阅读:35 评论:0



  • Watch movies:观看电影
  • Listen to music:听音乐
  • Read books:阅读书籍
  • Play video games:玩电子游戏
  • Go to the park:去公园
  • Spend time with friends:与朋友相处
  • Go out dancing:去跳舞
  • Attend sporting events:参加体育赛事
  • Play a musical instrument:演奏乐器
  • Sing:唱歌
  • Write:写作
  • 娱乐用英语单词怎么说 (娱乐用英语单词造句)
  • Play board games:玩棋盘游戏
  • Surf the Internet:浏览互联网
  • Watch TV:看电视
  • Go to the theater:去剧院
  • Go to the amusement park:去主题公园



I love to watch movies on the weekends.(我喜欢在周末看电影。)

I listen to music every day.(我每天都听音乐。)

I'm reading a really good book right now.(我现在正在读一本非常好的书。)

My favorite thing to do with my friends is playvideo games.(我最喜欢和朋友一起玩电子游戏。)

I go to the park every day to walk my dog.(我每天都带狗去公园散步。)

I love spending time with my friends and family.(我喜欢和我的朋友和家人相处。)

I go out dancing every week.(我每周都会出去跳舞。)

I'm a big fan of football, so I attend all of the home games.(我是足球的忠实粉丝,所以我参加所有的主场比赛。)

I play the guitar and sing in a band.(我弹吉他并参加了一个乐队。)

I love to write short stories.(我喜欢写短篇小说。)

I play board games with my friends every month.(我每个月都会和朋友们一起玩棋盘游戏。)

I surf the Internet for hours every day.(我每天都会花几个小时浏览互联网。)

I watch TV every night before I go to bed.(我每天晚上睡觉前都会看电视。)

I go to the theater once a month to see a play.(我每个月都会去剧院看一出戏。)

I went to the amusement park last summer.(我去年夏天去了游乐园。)


