娱乐平台英语怎么写 (娱乐平台英语怎么说)

合肥洗浴 06-03 阅读:33 评论:0

The following table provides a list of common entertainment platform terms and their English translations.

Chinese English
娱乐平台 Entertainment platform
在线娱乐 Online entertainment
流媒体 Streaming
视频点播 Video on demand
游戏 Games
音乐 Music
社交媒体 Social media
电子书 E-books
播客 Podcasts
用户生成内容 User-generated content
虚拟现实 Virtual reality
增强现实 Augmented reality
混合现实 Mixed reality
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
大数据 Big data
区块链 Blockchain
元宇宙 Metaverse

In addition to the terms listed above, here are some other useful phrases related to entertainment platforms:

    娱乐平台英语怎么写 (娱乐平台英语怎么说)
  • Entertainment platform business model
  • Entertainment platform market analysis
  • Entertainment platform development
  • Entertainment platform marketing
  • Entertainment platform user experience
  • Entertainment platform content strategy
  • Entertainment platform technology

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

